Cracking the case with Verizon.

Hero image of police officer with their K9 partner  talking on a walkie talkie in a foggy parking lot
An encircled question mark above the text block

The mission.

Verizon asked us to create a marketing experience that showcases how their core technology offerings can help empower police units in a use-case scenario. This experience will be displayed at various safety roadshows around the country.

A man at mission control looking at computers
The process.

Phase 1


In this initial discovery phase of creative development, we began to lay out a strategy for how we wanted the game to function and the identified technology to fit in with the story. 

A small, yellow sticky note that lists the project prompt as "Create an interactive gamified experience, that will be displayed at the Axon + Verizon Frontline booth at safety roadshows."A medium, yellow sticky note that lists the Verizon products and solutions to highlight, "Intelligent Video, NaaS, Mobile Command Post, Wearables, Interoperability, and Wireless Priority.", Large, yellow sticky note that lists a few ideas for what we could include in this gamified experience, "We need eyes everywhere, AI tech helps police forces expand their visibility in active situations, Connected wearable devices, Fast and accurate data is priority,Quick action/response from data that's been collected, Empowering boots on the ground, interactivity and customization.
A flow chart illustrating the flow of the game we are creating. There are 6 chapters, with a right and wrong answer. Only the right answer will allow you to progress.
A series of 4 storyboard sketches

Phase 2


In this phase, we visualized how each sequence would look on screen in a series of low-fidelity storyboard mockups based on the strategy document of phase one. The idea is to translate what we learned in the discovery & strategy phases into a visual storyboard for client approval. Copy for the sim is also developed in this phase to narrate the story.

Phase 3

Design & Animate

Once the foundational content has been created, it’s time to kick off design. This is where the story comes to life on screen in high fidelity. The assets are sourced, copy is implemented, and sequences are designed. The sequences are animated before finally being programmed into the final deliverable.

The opening screen of the game we're developing in it's design phaseThe game prompt and instruction screen that we're developing in it's design phaseThe design for objective 1The closing page of the game that we're developing
The deliverable.
The game we designed mocked up on a tablet

Phase 4

Build & Deliver

Once the designed & animated sequences were finished, our development team began stitching the experience together with added interactivity for users to engage with.

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